Actualization of Potential
. If this notion puzzles you, then first

Structural corroboration gives good reasons to think that the is actually hierarchical. It also help us conclude that it does have Levels with functions broadly as described in the Superstructure for Doing Topic.
However, there are some simpler tests suggestive of hierarchy that can be identified here and now. They serve to deepen our understanding of this map of , and also provide some useful plausibility. These tests relate to:
- The way the central Level mediates the upper three and lower three Levels: see this webpage.
- Meaningful transitions, Level by Level, going up and going down the hierarchy: see From Willingness to Action.
- Identification of an oscillating duality. This provides discontinuity between Levels and is possibly a signature of a THEE hierarchy: see Private v Public.
The creation of my endeavour», a in which potential is developed; and a lower part «pursuit of my endeavour» which is about of that potential.
lends itself to division into an upper part dealing with the «Creating an Endeavour

The upper three creation of my endeavour:
are about thehas no bounds and so .
provides structure and direction to .
as a social reality.
Why Persist?
The central Level is . This provides the tools (i.e. taxonomic elements) to assess and govern essential judgements, both in regard to at higher levels and at lower levels. Looking upwards, we use intuitions and feelings to assess the . Looking downwards, we use them to appraise the .
Pursuing the Endeavour
The lower three Levels are about the pursuit of my endeavour:
indicates the required stable end-state (or meaningful sequence of identifiable states), and so .
provides the checks, information, calculations and analyses that .
engages empirical realities with the view to maintain the purpose of the endeavour and .

In hierarchies, like « », each Level has a part to play, so none is unimportant or even less important. If a particular extrinsic value perspective is being applied, then one or more Levels may seem more (or less) important.
A THEE hierarchy is a whole that depends on each Level, so:
- higher levels should force us to assume the existence of lower levels, &
- lower levels should force us to assume the existence of higher levels.
In THEE's holistic hierarchies, Levelsdynamically interact, so:
- higher levels should in some way contain, encompass and constrain levels below, &
- lower levels should in some way realize, elaborate and constrain levels above.
- The next piece of evidence that suggests this is a THEE hierarchy is the sharp discontinuity between evidenced by an «oscillating duality».
- To focus more on transitions going down the levels. , go to the
Originally posted: 06-Jul-2011; Last updated: 18-Jun-2012